Bus Aller Retour Genova Aéroport

Trouver des Transferts d'Aéroport

Autres options de transfert

L'aéroport de Genova Airport est situé à seulement 7 km du centre-ville. La région de Ligurie en Italie dispose d'un système de transport bien conçu et les passagers arrivant à l'aéroport ou souhaitant partir de l'aéroport trouveront les services de navette en bus très économiques et pratiques. Les deux principaux services de bus ont des arrêts juste à l'extérieur de la zone des arrivées du terminal. Une connexion de bus rapide est également disponible entre l'aéroport et les principales gares ferroviaires. Les bus sont modernes, confortables et offrent beaucoup d'espace pour les bagages des passagers.

Les bus de l'aéroport de Gênes sont exploités par VOLABUS (ATM), un service de navette qui relie l'aéroport aux gares de Brignole et Principe dans le centre de Gênes. Ce sont les deux principales gares de correspondance de la ville. Le trajet en bus dure environ 30 à 40 minutes et le service est disponible 7 jours sur 7. Les billets pour le VOLABUS peuvent être achetés auprès du chauffeur ou dans les distributeurs automatiques de billets du terminal de l'aéroport et dans divers endroits du centre-ville, y compris les gares ferroviaires.

Le VOLABUS fait des arrêts à l'aéroport, à Via Cornigliano/Stazione FS, à Via Pacinotti/Fiumara, puis à Piazza Acquaverda (la gare Principe FS), à De Ferrari/Centro Città et enfin à la gare Brignole FS. Ce ne sont que des points de dépose et les passagers ne sont pas autorisés à monter dans le bus à ces arrêts.

Pour plus d'informations sur les bus depuis l'aéroport de Gênes, veuillez contacter le stand d'information touristique dans le hall des arrivées de l'aéroport.

5 Transferts chemin aller retour Genova Aéroport

Genova Airport primarily serves the city of Genoa, located on the north-western coast of Italy. Bus transfers make the approximately 8-kilometre journey between airport and city centre very easy, while the airport also serves as an excellent transport hub for tourists wishing to visit the famous Cinque Terre, though travelling from central Genoa to the region by train is advised, rather than bus. From Genoa city centre, bus transfers are possible to neighbouring cities such as Turin, Milan and Nice across the French border.


Genova Airport to Genoa City Centre by Volabus

Description de l'itinéraire

A direct bus transfer from Genova Airport to the central Brignole and Principe train stations, taking 30 minutes.

Temps de l'aéroport au destination

First Departure: 05:50 – Last Departure: 00:20. See the timetable. & Route Map.

Departing Genova Airport: 05:50am, 06:25am, 07:00am, 07:40am, 08:20am, 09:05am, 09:45am, 10:25am, 11:05, 11:50am, 12:30pm, 13:15pm, 13:50pm, 14:35pm, 15:15pm, 15:55pm, 16:45pm, 17:25pm, 18:10pm, 19:10pm, 19:45pm, 20:30pm, 21:05pm, 22:00pm, 23:15, 00:20am.

Temps du destination à l'aéroport

First Departure: 05:00 – Last Departure: 23:45. See the timetable.


Tickets costs 6 EUR and include a one-way journey on the Volabus, plus 60 minutes travel on the AMT network.

Vos coordonnées

Contact Volabus provider AMT Genova by phone on 848 000 030, or look on their website.

Genova Airport to Genoa City Centre by SP Free Shuttle Bus.

Description de l'itinéraire

A direct bus transfer between Principe Piazza Acquaverde and Sestri Ponente (Via Hermada) via Genova Airport, taking around 30 minutes.

Temps de l'aéroport au destination

No timetable is available, but the service runs from 6am to 8pm, with buses every 15 minutes.

Temps du destination à l'aéroport

No timetable is available, but the service runs from 6am to 8pm, with buses every 15 minutes.


Transport on the service is free.

Vos coordonnées

Contact Genova Airport by phone on 0039 010 60151, by email via info@airport.genova.it or look on their website.

Genova Airport to Turin by FlixBus

Description de l'itinéraire

A direct bus transfer from central Genoa to Turin, taking 2 hours. Take one of the Airport shuttles described above to reach central Genoa, and then take the FlixBus service, described below.

Temps de l'aéroport au destination

Buses Depart Genova (Fanti d'Italia/Principe bus station) or Genoa (Piazza della Vittoria). First Departure: 05:10am – Last Departure: 20:30pm.

Please be aware that there are differences between some days, so check the website and try planning a journey to make sure these times apply to your travel day.

Temps du destination à l'aéroport

Buses depart Turin (Vittorio Emanuele) or Torino (Lingotto) Railway Station. First Departure: 06:35 – Last Departure: 21:40.

Please be aware that there are differences between some days, so check the website and try planning a journey to make sure these times apply to your travel day.


Tickets can only be bought as one-way and cost between 5.99 EUR - 9.99 EUR  (at time of article 13/02/19).

Vos coordonnées

Contact FlixBus by email via their contact form, or look on their website.

Genova Airport to Milan by Flixbus

Description de l'itinéraire

There is no direct bus between Genova Airport and Milan, but there is a direct service between Genoa city centre and Milan, provided by Flixbus and taking approximately 2 hours. The details for this service are below.

Temps de l'aéroport au destination

Departing Genova (Fanti d'Italia/Principe bus station) 05:45am – Last Departure: 23:20am. On average there a 8 departures a day. Please be aware that there are differences between some days, so check the website and try planning a journey to make sure these times apply to your travel day.

Temps du destination à l'aéroport

First Departure Milan (San Donato M3) 08:15 – Last Departure: 20:00. On average there a 7 departures a day. Please be aware that there are differences between some days, so check the website and try planning a journey to make sure these times apply to your travel day.


At the time of article 13/02/19 prices were 7.99 EUR

Vos coordonnées

Contact FlixBus by email via their contact form, or look on their website.

Genova Airport to Nice by Flixbus

Description de l'itinéraire

There is no direct bus between Genova Airport and Nice, but there is a direct service provided by Flixbus which departs from Genoa city centre, taking approximately 4 hours. The details for this service are below.

Temps de l'aéroport au destination

First Departure: 05:40 – Last Departure: 17:10. Please be aware that there are differences between some days, so check the website and try planning a journey to make sure these times apply to your travel day.

Temps du destination à l'aéroport

First Departure: 08:20 – Last Departure: 23:40. Please be aware that there are differences between some days, so check the website and try planning a journey to make sure these times apply to your travel day.


Prices at time of article (13/02/19) were between 6.99 - 12.99 EUR

Vos coordonnées

Contact FlixBus by email via their contact form, or look on their website.

Quels services/itinéraires Bus ont des arrêts à Genova Aéroport ?

Où sont les arrêts Bus à Genova Aéroport ?

Nom de l'arrêt de bus Latitude Longitude Voir sur la carte
AEROPORTO/ARRIVI 44,414803 8,851262 Voir
MARINA/ 44,415016 8,839673 Voir
PIONIERI 1/ 44,416801 8,846689 Voir
PIONIERI 2/ 44,417587 8,848783 Voir
PIONIERI 3/ 44,417747 8,848686 Voir
PIONIERI 4/ 44,416912 8,846524 Voir
Carte des arrêts de bus à Genova Aéroport