Bus Transitt til og fra Genova Airport

Andre transitt muligheter
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Genoa Airport ligger bare en kort 7 km kjøretur fra sentrum. Italias Liguria-region har et godt utviklet transportsystem, og passasjerer som ankommer flyplassen eller ønsker å reise fra flyplassen, vil finne flyplasstransportbussene svært kostnadseffektive og praktiske. De to hovedbussene har stopp rett utenfor ankomstområdet i terminalbygningen. Det er også tilgjengelig en rask bussforbindelse mellom flyplassen og hovedjernbanestasjonene. Bussene er moderne, komfortable og har god plass til passasjerenes bagasje.
Bussene fra Genova flyplass drives av VOLABUS (ATM), en shuttle-tjeneste som forbinder flyplassen med Brignole og Principe jernbanestasjoner i sentrale Genova. Dette er de to viktigste trans-stasjonene i byen. Bussturen tar omtrent 30 til 40 minutter, og tjenesten er tilgjengelig 7 dager i uken. Billetter til VOLABUS kan kjøpes av sjåføren eller kjøpes i de automatiske billettautomatene i terminalbygningen på flyplassen og på ulike steder i sentrum, inkludert jernbanestasjonene.
VOLABUS stopper på flyplassen, på Via Cornigliano/Stazione FS, på Via Pacinotti/Fiumara, deretter på Piazza Acquaverda (Principe FS jernbanestasjon), på De Ferrari/Centro Città og til slutt på Brignole FS jernbanestasjon. Dette er bare avstigningspunkter, og passasjerer har ikke lov til å gå om bord på bussen på disse stoppene.
For mer informasjon om busser fra Genova flyplass, kan du kontakte turistinformasjonen i ankomsthallen på flyplassen.
5 Transitt-rute(r) til og fra Genova Airport
Genova Airport primarily serves the city of Genoa, located on the north-western coast of Italy. Bus transfers make the approximately 8-kilometre journey between airport and city centre very easy, while the airport also serves as an excellent transport hub for tourists wishing to visit the famous Cinque Terre, though travelling from central Genoa to the region by train is advised, rather than bus. From Genoa city centre, bus transfers are possible to neighbouring cities such as Turin, Milan and Nice across the French border.
Genova Airport to Genoa City Centre by Volabus
A direct bus transfer from Genova Airport to the central Brignole and Principe train stations, taking 30 minutes.
First Departure: 05:50 – Last Departure: 00:20. See the timetable. & Route Map.
Departing Genova Airport: 05:50am, 06:25am, 07:00am, 07:40am, 08:20am, 09:05am, 09:45am, 10:25am, 11:05, 11:50am, 12:30pm, 13:15pm, 13:50pm, 14:35pm, 15:15pm, 15:55pm, 16:45pm, 17:25pm, 18:10pm, 19:10pm, 19:45pm, 20:30pm, 21:05pm, 22:00pm, 23:15, 00:20am.
First Departure: 05:00 – Last Departure: 23:45. See the timetable.
Tickets costs 6 EUR and include a one-way journey on the Volabus, plus 60 minutes travel on the AMT network.
Contact Volabus provider AMT Genova by phone on 848 000 030, or look on their website.
Genova Airport to Genoa City Centre by SP Free Shuttle Bus.
A direct bus transfer between Principe Piazza Acquaverde and Sestri Ponente (Via Hermada) via Genova Airport, taking around 30 minutes.
No timetable is available, but the service runs from 6am to 8pm, with buses every 15 minutes.
No timetable is available, but the service runs from 6am to 8pm, with buses every 15 minutes.
Transport on the service is free.
Contact Genova Airport by phone on 0039 010 60151, by email via info@airport.genova.it or look on their website.
Genova Airport to Turin by FlixBus
A direct bus transfer from central Genoa to Turin, taking 2 hours. Take one of the Airport shuttles described above to reach central Genoa, and then take the FlixBus service, described below.
Buses Depart Genova (Fanti d'Italia/Principe bus station) or Genoa (Piazza della Vittoria). First Departure: 05:10am – Last Departure: 20:30pm.
Please be aware that there are differences between some days, so check the website and try planning a journey to make sure these times apply to your travel day.
Buses depart Turin (Vittorio Emanuele) or Torino (Lingotto) Railway Station. First Departure: 06:35 – Last Departure: 21:40.
Please be aware that there are differences between some days, so check the website and try planning a journey to make sure these times apply to your travel day.
Tickets can only be bought as one-way and cost between 5.99 EUR - 9.99 EUR (at time of article 13/02/19).
Contact FlixBus by email via their contact form, or look on their website.
Genova Airport to Milan by Flixbus
There is no direct bus between Genova Airport and Milan, but there is a direct service between Genoa city centre and Milan, provided by Flixbus and taking approximately 2 hours. The details for this service are below.
Departing Genova (Fanti d'Italia/Principe bus station) 05:45am – Last Departure: 23:20am. On average there a 8 departures a day. Please be aware that there are differences between some days, so check the website and try planning a journey to make sure these times apply to your travel day.
First Departure Milan (San Donato M3) 08:15 – Last Departure: 20:00. On average there a 7 departures a day. Please be aware that there are differences between some days, so check the website and try planning a journey to make sure these times apply to your travel day.
At the time of article 13/02/19 prices were 7.99 EUR
Contact FlixBus by email via their contact form, or look on their website.
Genova Airport to Nice by Flixbus
There is no direct bus between Genova Airport and Nice, but there is a direct service provided by Flixbus which departs from Genoa city centre, taking approximately 4 hours. The details for this service are below.
First Departure: 05:40 – Last Departure: 17:10. Please be aware that there are differences between some days, so check the website and try planning a journey to make sure these times apply to your travel day.
First Departure: 08:20 – Last Departure: 23:40. Please be aware that there are differences between some days, so check the website and try planning a journey to make sure these times apply to your travel day.
Prices at time of article (13/02/19) were between 6.99 - 12.99 EUR
Contact FlixBus by email via their contact form, or look on their website.
Hvilke BUSS tjenester/ruter har stopp ved Genova Airport?
Via Cibrario (Passerella FS) - Aeroporto Arrivi
Busstjeneste drevet av AMT Genova
Marina Aeroporto - Sestri Fs - Marina Aeroporto
Busstjeneste drevet av AMT Genova
Staz.Brignole - Aeroporto
Busstjeneste drevet av AMT Genova
Hvor er BUSS stoppene ved Genova Airport?
Bussholdeplass navn | Breddegrad | Lengdegrad | Vis på kart | |
directions_bus | AEROPORTO/ARRIVI | 44,414803 | 8,851262 | Se |
directions_bus | MARINA/ | 44,415016 | 8,839673 | Se |
directions_bus | PIONIERI 1/ | 44,416801 | 8,846689 | Se |
directions_bus | PIONIERI 2/ | 44,417587 | 8,848783 | Se |
directions_bus | PIONIERI 3/ | 44,417747 | 8,848686 | Se |
directions_bus | PIONIERI 4/ | 44,416912 | 8,846524 | Se |